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Found 79749 Job Search Results

Senior Applications Programmer - #230125-000963-001

Department: Technology & Innovation Open Date: 1/27/2023 5:00:00 PM. Filing Deadline: 3/29/2023 11:59:00 PM Salary: $42.62 - $63.92/hour; $7,387.47 - $11,079.47/month; $88,649.60 -

Senior Applications Programmer - #230125-000963-001

Department: Technology & Innovation Open Date: 1/27/2023 5:00:00 PM. Filing Deadline: 3/29/2023 11:59:00 PM Salary: $42.62 - $63.92/hour; $7,387.47 - $11,079.47/month; $88,649.60 -

Police Officer: Part-Time

Chesapeake Part-Time Police Officers shall be considered Level One officers, as defined by DCJS. Part-Time Officer will be limited to the duties and tasks related to their specific assignment as

Police Officer: Part-Time

Chesapeake Part-Time Police Officers shall be considered Level One officers, as defined by DCJS. Part-Time Officer will be limited to the duties and tasks related to their specific assignment as

Police Officer: Part-Time

Chesapeake Part-Time Police Officers shall be considered Level One officers, as defined by DCJS. Part-Time Officer will be limited to the duties and tasks related to their specific assignment as

Planner II/III

The City of Chesapeake, Virginia, Planning Department is seeking motivated planning professionals to join our growing team to lead new studies and plans related to the long-range future of our city.

Showing 11357 of 11392 Results